We’ve all heard the familiar buzz on a warm sunny day of a bee going about its business dipping in and out of flowers to collect nectar. But what many of us may not realise is just how important bees, and other pollinators, are for our natural ecosystems and even global food supplies.
When bees collect nectar, they also unintentionally collect a powdery yellow substance called pollen on their legs. As they move from flower to flower, little bits of this pollen will drop off inside other flowers where it can then start the flower’s reproduction cycle. This is what’s known as pollination.
It’s estimated that around a third of all the food we consume worldwide is dependent on pollination by honeybees. And with a single honeybee visiting thousands of flowers in one day, it’s clear to see how vital they are.
Sadly, bee populations worldwide are increasingly under threat from the use of toxic pesticides and habitat destruction due to climate change and human activities.
There are, however, plenty of really easy ways we can all help protect and preserve our local bees!
Here are just a few to get you started:
Every action, no matter how small, can make a positive impact on the health and survival of our bees.
Just by making some small changes in our lives, we can all help protect these tiny superheroes and give nature the boost it needs for a sustainable future.
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